Wednesday, January 30, 2013

30 Before 30 Update: Items Completed! (14, 16, 29)

I am excited to report that I am already on track to completing my 30 Before 30 list.  I have 4 items completed, 2 in progress, and I'm feeling pretty confident.  Here is a quick snapshot of the first 3 items I completed.

#29: Buy a new mattress and bed frame.
This was the first item completed.  As I've mentioned before, our old mattress had springs poking out of it and was living on the floor.  We bought a new memory foam mattress and found a slightly used bed frame on craigslist.  This was actually completed while I was still in Connecticut over the summer, and my awesome husband and friends helped put it all together so it was done when I came home.

#16: Take a photo in a photobooth
I love photobooths.  For reals.  I included this list item simply because it is fun.  Awesomely, my company's holiday party had a photobooth set up with props! I also love me some good props.

#14: Get a new tattoo or have birds touched up
When I wrote this I expected that I would get my birds touched up rather than get something new; I didn't have anything specific in mind and was feeling content with the amount of artwork I was currently sporting.  However, after my grandfather passed my sister and I talked about how we both were thinking about a tattoo that represented family.  Before I left Connecticut we got matching family trees; hers in black and white and mine in color.  It's located on the inside of my right ankle and I totally love it!

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