Nearly every day I have to drive past this horrible, horrible billboard. If you can't see the picture (or my crappy cell phone pic isn't clear enough) it reads: Nothing Beats a Pair, Don't Fold to Cancer. Charmingly, there is a picture of playing cards with cartoonish circle breasts w/hearts for nipples.
Yeah. Now, my brain is not on full function mode right now, so I'm going to break this down bullet-point style rather than try to continue to construct full sentences and paragraphs.
- HEY LADIES! You may think you're intelligent, good at your job, witty, creative, a good friend, any number of things, but you know what's REALLY important? Breasts.None of those aforementioned qualities are as important as your physical appearance.
- Equating losing your breasts as "folding" to cancer. That's right, did you have a life saving surgery that removed your breasts? That's like being defeated!
- See points 1 and 2
- So, when I started writing this I definitely know I had more to say, but antihistamines are kicking in and all my thoughts seem to have vanished. Feel free to leave more coherent thoughts in the comments!