Saturday, May 21, 2011

Still here!

There tend to be two major categories of excuses I have for when I'm not posting regularly, and it's usually that I'm either completely boring, not doing anything at all and don't want to write a lot of "today I worked and came home and watched TV" type posts; or I am so busy doing awesome and exciting things that I just forget about posting altogether. Fortunately for you guys, this was a case of the latter!

Since my last post

I had a birthday...

Here we are, smiling awkwardly.

David had his 30th birthday (!!!)...


But he's still just as goofy as ever.


The doggies are still wonderful, as well.

We love car rides!

Pretty soon I will be doing a massive checking off of list items, but for now just wanted to show everybody (all 3 of you!) that I am in fact still alive.