Saturday, February 13, 2010

Citius, Altius, Fortius

Last night was the opening ceremony for the Winter Olympics, and also marked the beginning of the Knitting Olympics hosted by the Yarn Harlot.  For the Knitting Olympics, one casts on a new project during the opening ceremonies and must finish that project by the end of the Winter Olympics.  I consider myself to be an intermediate to advanced knitter, but I do not happen to be a very fast knitter. So, I wanted to chose a project that was technically interesting but not too long. Looking through my queue on Ravelry, I quickly chose to knit the Raha Scarf by Nancy Bush from the book Estonian Lace Today. The book was a gift from my sister and I haven't knit any of the patterns yet, and was really looking forward to finally getting a chance to knit one of  them.

So Friday rolls around and I select the Malabrigo Lace yarn in a gorgeous, bright yellow from my stash, get out the gorgeous wooden size 5 needles I received along with the book (it only seemd appropriate) and go to my mini knitting library so I can make several photocopies of the pattern's completely missing. Every other knitting book I own is in the same spot, except for this one book. I quickly look through all other bookshelves, check the living room, bedroom, but to no avail. Running out of time, I quickly review the other patterns in my queue, looking for a comparable pattern that would be challenging enough to complete in 17 days but not impossible. I finally settled on Scarf with French Trellis Border from Weldon's 1890 and Bramble Leaf Center by Jane Sowerby.  However, for the Olympics I am eliminating the wide borders and just knitting the Bramble Leaf Center as that seemed a little more comparable to what I was intending on knitting originally.